Blazeaway is a company doesn't use rusty old electric pizza ovens like most pizza shops. Just like back home in Italy they use real fire. Their wood stone ovens can reach up to 500* degrees plus all their toppings are all fresh and where possible produced locally. This is why we don't hide them away like most pizza joints. They are all on show for you to see so don't take our word for it, pop in and see for yourself!
ChallengeI was challenged with the task of designing and developing the user interface for an interactive and intuitive pizza builder. That would allow the customers to actually see how their pizza will look when it is being made.
ActionsAfter making a few drafts I decided to challenge myself and build the pizza builder solely in Javascript with a bit of help from the JS library jQuery. Also designed the interface for the iOS app which I outsourced the development for.
Please have a look at the app here.
Color scheme.
Web app.